Personal Statement

I believe my work is unique and consider I have developed my own style over the last few years with a huge influence from one of my favourite artists Shepard fairey who has become more and more popular over these last few years releasing some amazing pieces of work and helping many good causes through different mediums.
I have try to include some different aspects of my work that show my capability in Design work, be it image manipulation via Photoshop, Typography work, Sketchbook development or rendering images from scratch, I would like to think I have my own style and my included work shows this. I consider making many drafts and showing the evolving stages of the work to be very rewarding. Being a perfectionist is something I have become and value. I take inspiration from many things for example billboards, music or real life situations. Each piece of work in this portfolio is something I have done either in college or in my own time as this subject is something I really I enjoy doing and I would now consider it as a pastime.

I enjoy travelling and being part of a Semi Pro paintball team in which involves me seeing all the corners of the world, meeting unique and interesting individuals and making life long friend. I consider my work to reflect this lifestyle. My camera is in my opinion a must when travelling. I am able to capture and re-live my experiences ready to use in an assignment or to manipulate and create new exciting images via programs such as Adobe illustrator or Photoshop. Developing my skills in design is somethign that i am hungry to do .... anyway hope you enjoy and any feeback would be a bonus ... thanks Simon
This was the secound design i made for the band , this in my opinion was the better of the two but the band preffered the other one so there it was , done and dusted ... 2010
This is a logo design for a metal band , my first paid job using photoshop , even though this was my first design they liked and choose this look... 2010
Photo monatge from paintball photos , i could have improved this alot by using more photos ... 2009

Sour Swallow

Painted using acrylics on canvas .. 2009

Abstract Obey Poster

This is a abstract poster in which I made from Photoshop by using a number of different techniques and tools importing and manipualting images has resulted in this unique outcome.

Surreal Ideas

 I created this by using a original image of a friends tongue and manipulating an image of a tattoo from my leg on to his tongue to create a unique and surreal image.

Sketchbook Ideas

Here is a page from my sketchbook for text the could be used in a image, I used clear plastic on which I drew on over a image to allow for a different and almost cartoon style to a  formal picture.


This photograph is from a visit to Sheffield city centre looking for letters in everyday life. The railings in this image make an "A" I then used cyanotype process to produce this effect.

Serif Research File

Here is page from my sketchbook that involved a number of fold down areas and slots to include more work, this technique allows for utalising space in a sketchbook and also looks good I then used foamboard and a series of newspaper to create this page.

SPT logo design

I created this logo through Swift 3-D I have included in this in letters, business cards and envelopes and all of which look to a high standard.

Under the sea

I gained this image from a source online and began to manipulate it through photoshop by a series of different filters I then added my name to try and and get the text to tie in with the picture as well as possible, I think it turned out well, but best of all I learned a lot by trying many things out on this piece of work.

Forgotten Planet Photoshop

In this image I used a number of different effects to create this planet for example brushes, pen tools , shapes and shading, all combined made this exciting planet from scratch.

Wasted Youth Typography

In my spare time I created this typography image,  I consider the words "wasted youth" and the blood tie in well together. I think I could use this in a place such as a poster for an anti-drug campaign etc.

Liquid Dreams Typography work

 I created this typography image in my spare time, I wanted the overall feel to this image to be soft. The words liquid dreams also allowed me to play on an idea, I wanted the words to look vague thus being dream like state.